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      新課標小學英語第八冊 REVIEW聽力

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      關鍵詞:新課標小學英語第八冊 REVIEW聽力,外研社新標準小學四年級英語(一起),新標準小學英語,聽力內容
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      點擊播放器按鈕播放:新課標小學英語第八冊 REVIEW聽力
      以下是聽力相關內容:請對照以下內容認真聽講 00:00.00REVIEW MODULE STORY TIME
      00:07.08Unit 1 Chinese Pears
      00:14.161.Listen and repeat.
      00:24.79There was a little Chinese boy.His name was Kong Rong.
      00:30.82Kong Rong had a big family.He was the youngest.
      00:36.75One day,his father came home.He had a big bag.
      00:44.33There were lots of pears in the bag.
      00:49.37Everyone wanted to eat the pears.
      00:53.73Father said,"Kong Rong,give a pear to each person".
      01:01.39Kong Rong gave the biggest pears to his grandma and grandpa.
      01:08.65"Thank you,Kong Rong,"they said.
      01:14.00Then he gave big pears to his mother and father.
      01:21.66"Good boy,Kong Rong,"they said.
      01:26.99Kong Rong saw lots of middle-sized pears.
      01:33.47He gave them to his older brothers and sisters.
      01:38.93Then he held up the smallest pear"This pear is for me,"he said.
      01:48.67"I am the youngest.""Big pears are for older people,"he said.
      01:55.83All of Kong Rong's family were very happy with him.
      02:01.47"You are a very good boy,"they said.
      02:07.50Word List
      02:12.65older youngest
      02:18.78較老的 最小的較老的 最小的
      02:28.381 The Lantern Festival
      02:36.84I love our Chinese Lantern Festival.
      02:41.20It's on the first full moon after the Spring Festival.
      02:46.66We eat special sweet dumpings.
      02:51.62We can look at a lot of lanterns.
      02:56.48Many of them are beautiful.
      03:00.95Some of them are quite strange.
      03:06.20Sometimes there are beautiful fireworks.
      03:14.35This man is walking on stilts.He's very runny.
      03:24.20This man has got dragon lanterns.
      03:30.57People dance the yangge.
      03:52.62We play on swings!
      03:57.95We have a wonderful time!
      04:02.102 Two Lions
      04:10.57It is morning.It's a sunny day.
      04:16.21Many people are in the park.
      04:20.34They walk down the pathway.
      04:24.49They look at the trees and flowers.
      04:28.75Children play hide-and-seek.
      04:33.71They buy postcards and sweets.
      04:38.70There are a lot of animals here.
      04:44.03They are made of stone.
      04:47.66There are two lions.
      04:51.42One lion is standing.
      04:56.15The other is sleeping.
      04:59.91The children like the animals.
      05:05.37It is night.It's very dark.
      05:13.31There are no people in the park.
      05:17.57The trees and flowers are still there.
      05:21.99The animals are still there.
      05:26.06One lion is not sleeping.
      05:31.10"Wake up,"he says to the other lion.
      05:37.27The sleeping lion wakes up.
      05:44.63His friend goes to sleep.
      05:53.07Every night it is the same.
      05:59.31There are always two lions.
      06:03.68One lion is sleeping.
      06:08.433 Huojia and the Moon
      06:17.08Is Huojia a clever man?One night he goes for water.
      06:24.05He looks in the well and he sees the moon.
      06:29.20"Oh no,"he says."The beautiful moon is in the well."
      06:37.06He goes home for a hook.He ties it to a rope.
      06:44.22Then he puts it in the well.
      06:47.69Huojia is fishing for the moon.
      06:52.13Suddenly there is something on his hook.Huojia pulls the rope.
      07:00.49He pulls and pulls and pulls.
      07:13.55The rope breaks and Huojia falls on his back.
      07:21.50Huojia looks up and sees the moon.
      07:26.25"Ah!The moon is up in the sky,"he says.
      07:32.49"What a clever man i am!"
      07:36.154 The Girl and the Frog
      07:44.51This a beautiful girl.She lives in this big house.
      07:52.16But she isn't happy.I haven't got any friends.
      07:59.29One day she is walking in the garden.She looks into the water.
      08:08.05She sees a frog.He jumps out of the pond.The girl doesn't like him.
      08:22.00He's ugly!
      08:27.17The frog talks to the girl.
      08:32.42You are sad and I am sad.We can be happy.
      08:39.68Close your eyes.
      08:43.55He's very handsome.
      08:47.67She's very beautiful
      08:52.04They jump into the water and are very happy.


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