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      快樂英語第八冊 UNIT2-11聽力

      來源:網絡 所屬欄目:快樂英語第八冊 - 快樂英語第八冊 作者:城市學校網
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      關鍵詞:快樂英語第八冊 UNIT2-11聽力,快樂英語第八冊,兒童英語,聽力內容
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      以下是聽力相關內容:請對照以下內容認真聽講 00:06.69Unit 2
      00:08.36What are you going to do?
      00:11.46Lesson 11
      00:14.36Learn to Say
      00:16.70Where are you going to visit on holiday?
      00:19.99I'm going to meet my friends in Beijing.
      00:23.68Your Chinese friends?
      00:25.59No, my English friends.
      00:28.49That's great!
      00:30.35Where are you going to visit in Beijing?
      00:33.66We are going to visit the Great Wall,
      00:37.06the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.
      00:43.13When are you leaving?
      00:44.77Tomorrow evening.
      00:46.84Have a nice trip!
      00:48.59Thank you.
      00:51.02Try to Use
      00:53.06Where are you going to visit?
      00:55.50Xiangshan Park.
      00:58.98Where are you going to...?
      01:03.04When are you leaving?
      01:06.14Listen and Find the Rhyme
      01:20.90Teddy bear, teddy bear,
      01:23.13Go downstairs.
      01:25.12Teddy bear, teddy bear.
      01:27.32Sit on the chair.
      01:29.34Teddy bear, teddy bear,
      01:31.47Eat a big pear.
      01:34.86Read and Think
      01:37.81In the near future, cars are going to be different.
      01:42.53People are not going to drive them.
      01:46.12A computer is going to be inside every car.
      01:50.69The computer is going to drive the car.
      01:54.46People just sit inside the car, listen to the music, drink tea or even sleep.
      02:01.98But people must give orders to the computer before it starts to work.
      02:09.31In the near future, who will drive the car?
      02:15.15Do you believe it?
      02:17.36Talk about the future with your classmates.
      02:21.56Listen and Write
      02:27.49Henry is going to the supermarket after dinner with Mom and Dad.
      02:33.06He is going to buy food, drinks, fruit and vegetables.
      02:38.82He is going to be there for about three hours.
      02:48.13David is going to the park with his friends this Sunday.
      02:52.57They are going to row a boat and climb the hill.
      02:57.56They are going to be there for about five hours.
      03:07.40Miss Jane is going to the cinema with her son tomorrow.
      03:12.08They are going to see the film "Harry Potter".
      03:15.85They are going to be there for about two hours.
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