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      冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 UNIT 2-Lesson 13 Exercise 鍛煉聽力

      來源:網(wǎng)絡 所屬欄目:冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 - 冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 作者:城市學校網(wǎng)
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      關鍵詞:冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 UNIT 2-Lesson 13 Exercise 鍛煉聽力,冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊,冀教版小學英語,聽力內(nèi)容
      摘 要:城市學校網(wǎng)為您提供在線冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 UNIT 2-Lesson 13 Exercise 鍛煉聽力,還有更多的冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊及聽力內(nèi)容,......
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      以下是聽力相關內(nèi)容:請對照以下內(nèi)容認真聽講 UNIT 2 Good Health to You!祝你健康!
      Lesson 13 Exercise 鍛煉
      1.What is exercise?什么是鍛煉? Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong
      Riding a bike is exercise.騎自行車是鍛煉. Walking to school is exercise.走路去學校是鍛煉.
      Running is exercise.跑步是鍛煉. Playing ping-pong is exercise.打乒乓球是鍛煉.
      How much exercise do you need?你需要多少鍛煉? You need about twenty minutes of exercise
      three time a week. What's a minute?什么是分鐘?
      Sixty minutes make an hour!60分鐘是一小時! 2.How many minutes does Danny exercise?
      How often do you exercise,Danny? Let's see...讓我想想...
      I walk to school in the morning 我早上走路去學校 and I walk home after school.放學后我走路回家.
      That's twice a day.是一天兩次. How many minutes do you walk?你走路多少分鐘?
      About five minutes.大約5分鐘. That's ten minutes of exericse a day
      and fifty minutes a week.一星期五十分鐘. I think you need to get more exercise,Danny!
      Me,too! I'm going to watch more sports on TV!
      No,Danny! You have to play sports for exercise!
      3.Let's chant! ...


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