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      冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 UNIT 4-Lesson 29 Surprise!驚喜!聽力

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      關鍵詞:冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊 UNIT 4-Lesson 29 Surprise!驚喜!聽力,冀教版小學英語(三起)--第八冊,冀教版小學英語,聽力內容
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      以下是聽力相關內容:請對照以下內容認真聽講 UNIT 4 Li Ming Goes Home 李明回家
      Lesson 29 Surprise!驚喜!
      Today is Li Ming's surprise party. Mr. Smith and Li Ming are shopping for souvenirs
      Mr. Smith know about the party史密斯先生知道聚會 but Li Ming doesn't.但李明不知道.
      Mr. Smith will bring Li Ming home at 4:00. That's when the party begins!那時聚會就開始了.
      This morning,Danny and Jenny are making cake and cookies for the party.
      "How do you make cookies?"你要怎么做餅干? asks Danny.
      "It's easy!"says Jenny.珍妮說,這很簡單. "We need eggs,flour,oil,我們需要雞蛋,面粉,油,
      a little salt and some sugar."少許的鹽和一些糖. They begin making cookies.他們開始做餅干.
      Danny brings a bowl.丹尼拿來一個碗. Jenny puts the eggs,sugar,珍妮把雞蛋,糖,
      flour and oil in the bowl.面粉和油放在碗里. Then they hear something.他們聽見有聲音.
      "There's someone at the door,"有人在門外. says Danny.
      Danny opens the door.丹尼打開門. It's Steven!
      "Hi!I'm here early,"says Steven. "Do you need any help?"需要幫忙嗎?
      "Yes!Come to the kitchen!"says Danny. Danny,Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cake
      and nine cookies. And look!
      Every cookie has letters!每個餅干都有字母! This one is mine!這個是我的!
      That one is yours!那個是你的! What name begins with L?誰的名字是L開頭的?
      At 3:45,people arrive for the party, but not Kim.但是金沒有來.
      Oh,no! Here she comes.她來了.
      She went to the store and bought some ice cream. At 4:00,Li Ming arrives with Mr. Smith.
      Li Ming opens the door.李明打開門. Surprise!給你一個驚喜!


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